Monday 14 December 2015

Analysis of a Computer Game

Grand Theft Auto V is an action/adventure open world game developed and published by Rockstar Games. Despite being named as Grand Theft Auto V (Five) it is actually the fifteenth game within the series. It was originally released in September 2013 on PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360. It was later released on the next generation consoles, PlayStation 4 and Xbox One in November 2014. In April of 2105 the final version of the game was released, this version is available for PC.


Analysis of The Game:

The graphics within the game are of a significantly high level of detail, compared to detail within one of the earlier Grand Theft Auto games like Vice City.

Above you can see an immense difference in the quality of the games. A eleven year gap separates the two, and it shows. Vice City shows many similarities to that within V, but these are mainly the style of play and the way the game is set out. The difference in graphics, like I said previously, are extremely significant. In V you get a more realistic picture within the game, the characters look more life like as opposed to the block like characters from earlier versions of the game. Almost all of the elements are of significantly greater detail, the game as a whole runs smoother with the animation and graphics working side by side.

Sound within the game is of very high quality, not just the sound effects but the voice acting is also of excellent quality. There is also a lot of background music, mostly when you are in a vehicle. You have a choice of a number of different radio stations to choose from, ranging from rock to pop to country. The detail within this element of the game is excellent, it makes no difference to the game itself but it does allow the character to personalize their experience within the game more. 

The way in which the content was constructed within the game was set out in a way that really compliments the story and every aspect of the game. The detail within the story is very well implemented and shows a vast amount of thought was taken within the content construction process. Content construction is all about appealing to the target audience, with GTA, if they producers chose to add things such as old fashioned clothing and vehicles instead of more relevant ones then the audience would be less likely to play the game. However, there is a small choice of older looking cars which are well received although the more modern sports car is a fan favorite.

The Codes and Conventions within GTA V are set out in a way which can make the player really connect with the characters. There are a few moments within the game that make you connect with a character, this is know as a symbolic code. An example of this would be after Michael's family leaves him and he begins heavily drinking. This represented his emotions as alone and down.

Narrative Structure:

The story is set in Los Santos, a fictional American State, similar to that of Los Angeles. The state of Los Santos has fifteen different areas of which you can visit, the main five of these are; Vinewood, Rockford Hills, Strawberry (Suburbs) Downtown Los Santos and Blaine County. Even though when the story starts you are playing as Michael, Trevor and Brad in Ludendorff in 2004. Ludendorff is a town in which has two playable scenes throughout the whole game. These are a bank robbery in the prologue as well as a scene after Trevor discovers the full truth of what happened nine years previous. After this it leaps to 2013 where you start the main story as Franklin working for Simeon repossessing cars.

The three main, playable, characters are Michael De Santa, Franklin Clinton and Trevor Philips. Throughout the story they do various heists and illegal missions and eventually get tangled up with some corrupt Government Agents. This is the focal to the ending of the story, which can be one of three options:
1. Kill Michael
2. Kill Trevor
3. Death wish
Each of the three options are played out via Franklin, the choice of ending will impact what happens to the characters after the story has ended.
Each of the characters respectively have a lot at stake should they not bring down the Government. All would end up facing time in jail, however depending on the players choice, Two of the characters could potentially loose their lives. Despite this each of the characters would loose someone/something close to them. This being either family or their business.
During the story there are multiple conflicts each of the characters have to face. The main one being the ongoing dispute between Michael and Trevor which often causes tension between the two characters and leads to Franklin having to maintain the peace between them. The conflict between them ultimately comes to some kind of resolvement after the second playable scene at Ludendorff, however it is still a very tense situation.

The conflict was set up as soon as the prologue ended, although the full of extent of the situation was not noted until later into the story. This left it flexible to fit the main characters in, we had already been introduced to Michael and Trevor but not yet to Franklin. From here Franklin was introduced for a few missions before he met Michael. After this both became playable characters, Trevor however was not playable until about a quarter of a way through the story.  The individual missions all intertwine and make the story flow very well. Each mission has a consequence, good or bad, for the character. Some effect each of the characters, others only affect one. Towards the end of the game when Franklin is given the three options, this is where the story and the dispute finally comes to some form of conclusion. The impression the player gets is that Trevor comes to some sort of acceptance of Michael's actions, but still doesn't agree with what he did or why he did it.

As a whole the story tied into the game play is of a high quality, the amount of detail put into it enhances the experience of the game significantly. 

Representation of Characters:

The game is based on three main characters which you can play as at will, however there are some parts of the game that require you to be a specific character.
The game starts with you playing as Franklin Clinton, the first main character that you are introduced to. Not too long after you are introduced to the second character, Michael De Santa. The last character, Trevor Phillips, comes in at a later stage of the game. Each of the three main characters play a big part within the game and their individual stories all intertwine.

Each of the characters possess very unique personalities. Michael is a family man who is haunted by his past and has a very serious nature. Franklin is a laid back young adult trying to find his way in the life of crime, he looks up to Michael as a father figure. Trevor is a neurotic slob, who much like Michael is caught in the past, seeking revenge for what happened on a heist he and Michael pulled in Ludendorff, along with their friend Brad, many years back, which led to all three suffering serious consequences.

["Look homie, I don't mind dying, you feel me? But I just wanna die with something that matters."

― Franklin Clinton]

Franklin Clinton is the youngest of the three main characters, at the start of the story Franklin works for a car dealership repossessing cars with his friend Lamar for Simeon Yetarian. This is how he comes to meet Michael, from here the two become allies and work together for the remainder of the game.

Franklin is the underdog, he constantly tries to show his worth. Mainly to Michael, but to Trevor also. With being a Los Santos native, Franklin knows a lot of people around the suburbs which gain him side missions with various sub characters.

Franklin is often the peacekeeper between the other two characters due to their past leaving them often fighting. Regardless of this Franklin is known to have a similar relationship to his long term friend Lamar, much like Michael and Trevor.

As Franklin you have to decide how to end the story. There is three different options, Franklin can either kill Trevor and he and Michael go their separate ways. Another option is to kill Michael and the final option is to "Death Wish" which allows both Michael and Trevor to live. However, as a team you have to kill numerous people who are wanting Franklin to kill either Michael or Trevor.

Franklin is stereotyped as your typical African american street criminal. Although he is also portrayed as a kind and caring person at times. His stereotype fits his personality to a certain amount, but he also portrays himself in a different way too.

["You wake up one day, and your legs, they just give. You can't run anymore."

― Michael De Santa]

Michael De Santa comes into the story at the very beginning, here you do a heist with Trevor, as well as Brad. The full reasoning as to why Michael and Trevor are at loggerheads is revealed later in the story.

After this, the story shifts to Franklin. Here Franklin meets Michael whilst repossessing a car that Michael’s son Jimmy is struggling to pay off. Michael gets in the back of the car and follows Franklin back to Simeon, with a gun to his head. From here Michael takes Franklin under his wing and treats him like a son.

Michael uses Franklin's help in various mission as his right hand man, their relationship is strong and full of trust. Michael's relationship to Trevor on the other hand is very tense sue to past events that were never clearly explained to Trevor before, leaving him angry at Michael.

During the course of the story, Michael comes across various family issues due to his previous past with Trevor as well as his life of crime and lack of faith to his wife, Amanda. This shapes the story in various ways, some of Michael's missions revolve around winning his family back, as well as keeping them safe.

The stereotype of Michael is that he is a family man who seems to be going through a mid life crisis. Which is very accurate, he is portrayed in both a negative and positibe way. NEgatively he is seen as a drunk who doesn't care for others, on the other hand is also shown to care alot... perhaps too much at times.

["This is my life's work. I mean since I was a little kid I-I dreamt big. Y'Know, I've always wanted to be an international drug dealer and... Weapons trader." ―Trevor Philips]

Trevor Philips is brought into the story after he sees Michael on the news. Trevor is under the impression that during the Ludendorff heist Michael was killed and Brad was incarcerated. However, Michael was working with the government and was placed in protection and moved to Los Santos. This left Trevor on the run, who also ended up in Los Santos hiding away in a trailer in the middle of the dessert of Blaine County. 

Trevor is full of anger and angst towards Michael which causes a lot of tension within the trio. Trevor is under the impression that the third accomplice in the Ludendorff  heist was caught by the police and has spent the many years since in prison and that Michael was killed. However it was Brad who was killed and placed in the grave named "Michael Townly" as Michael changed his name and moved his family to Los Santos, with the help of a government Agent. As Trevor you face a large amount of solo missions providing you with information about him as a person as well as a "business man". Also about how he had to live after the Ludendorff Heist.

Trevor is depicted as a loud and rude slob who doesn't care for anyone but himself. This is true to a certain extent, he sometimes however does show a caring side.

Audience Target Demographic:

The target audience demographic would be for 18 years +, this is the age rating within the game. However, there is a large amount people below the age of 18 who play the game. This would be due to high levels of violence and sexual scenes. Stereo-typically the game is aimed more towards the male population, but is also played by a vast amount of female gamers.


Not just this game within the series, but most Grand Theft Auto games are classed as Action-Adventure games. However they also have an element of being a shooter game, dependant on how the player plays the game. It also has the potential to be classed as a MMO.

As a genre Action-Adventure has seen to get more violent within recent years with titles such as GTA getting a lot of bad press for being the cause of some violent crimes.
This however hasn't impacted on the Genre in itself.

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