Wednesday 28 October 2015

Unit 6 - Assignment 2

Construction Analysis - Creating products for a specific audience.

Title: League of Legends

Genre: Multiplayer Online Battle Arena
Content: Well lit Arena, Open Space, Battleground.
Construction: Linear, character determined, 
Narrative Conventions: Semi-Story Driven, Winning.
Common Codes: Health Regeneration, Fast Paced, Objective, Buying Items.
Profiling: Teenagers - Young Adults, Multi-gender.

The objectives within League of Legends are fairly different dependent on the game mode that the player chooses. Rather than being a story developed game, LoL is more of an objective game. You play a series of matches to gain XP. The main arena, Summoners Rift, is clean and well lit in the main areas, but gains a more darker and gloomy feel when you move into the jungles. Game play also depends on the character you choose to play as.

Title: Beyond: Two Souls

Genre: Interactive Drama; Action Adventure
Content: Open World, Objectives, Character Development, Wanted.
Construction: Linear, Multiple Outcomes, Decision Making.
Narrative Conventions: Story Driven, Dramatic, 
Common Codes: Health Regeneration, Survival instincts.
Profiling: Young Adults - Adults, Multi-gender.

Beyond: Two Souls is a action adventure game that is highly interactive. It was created with motion capture technology which allows the player to move more freely and with a more realistic effect. Throughout the game the player has a series of choices to make for each element of the game play which can vastly change the outcome of the entire story as well as have various effects on the main character, Jodie. The environments change with the progression of the story, some locations are well lit where others are very dimly lit. B:TS is a vastly openly playable game, with a semi-linear game play style.

Title: Zombie Game (Work in progress)

Genre: Third Person Shooter
Content: Post Apocalyptic, Dim Lighting, Gloomy Spaces
Construction: Open World, Objectives, Fast Paced.
Narrative Conventions: Survival, Action, Adventure.
Common Codes: Health and Ammunition, Killing, Survival, Weapon choice. 
Profiling: Teenagers - Adults, Multi-Gender.

This is the game that is in development that i am currently making for a different assignment. The aim of the game would be to find all of the parts to an abandoned ship so you can fly yourself and the surviving townsfolk to safety of the looming highlands. It is to be a third person shooter set in a dried up river bed, there will be well lit areas where the sun will hit as well as some more dimmer, shaded areas. There will be an open area as well as a series of smaller, more enclosed rooms and buildings. 

Each of the games above are very different, not only in genre but game play also. Each of the games possess their own uniqueness that sets them apart from the others. 

Genre: The genres are in themselves one of the most vast differences of the three games. Massively Multiplayer Online Battle Arenas bare some comparison to a third person shooter. The difference between the selected would be the game play. The MMOBA is a set objective in a  set area, where as the third person shooter allows you to roam the world and tackle objectives in your own time. Taking this into consideration, the Action Adventure genre of B:TS is somewhat similar due to the action within, however they are rather different within the game play. The game play within a set game is what gives the game its specific genre.

Selection of Content: The main comparison within the content would be that each of the games pose a set objective that the player must complete, this is a common element of the majority of games. Another common element within games, including two of the above, is the open space for the player to explore. League of Legends allows you to explore the map that you are playing on, however you are limited to wear you can travel. Within the Zombie game you will also have boundaries, these being the highlands that can only be scaled with the plane you will craft. However the area within the highlands will be large in side with various different areas within it. Beyond: Two Souls has similar to what I aim for within the zombie game, however there is a lot more options of where to go and what to do. The lighting content again is similar, some areas are very well lit. Where as certain areas are very dark and barely visible, with limited lighting, either natural or man made. A difference in content is the story, League of Legends has no set story, however it has stories for each individual character. Beyond: Two Souls is a very gripping story with dark twists within it, posing complex game play and a deep, emotional journey throughout the developing story. As far as planned the story within the Zombie game is a lone character with survival instincts using their knowledge and skills to help the less fortunate. In terms of sounds within the games, each have a vast range of sound effects. Beyond: Two Souls, has the most realistic of the three due to the voice overs being executed by the actors who filmed the motion capture for the visuals.

Construction of Content: League of Legends and Beyond: Two Souls are both linear games. They follow set game play, B:TS has a slightly more flexible story line than that of League of Legends, however it is still Linear. The Zombie game i am developing is an open world game which has one objective to complete, throughout the game you collect the relevant parts and kill the right amount of zombies in order to level up and progress through the game at your own pace.
The biggest difference within all of the games would come from Beyond: Two Souls being a multiple outcome styled game. Each decision you make as the main character, Jodie, can change the direction of the story. Each outcome will eventually lead into the next part of the story, however the choices you make affect you as the character as well as those around you. Neither League of Legends or My Zombie game possess this style of play, they both have set outcomes and not a variety of different situations to choose from. However within League of Legends the game play does depend on your chosen character, meaning that each character uses different weapons and items. Developing your character is a large part of being successful within the game, so buying items helps to gain xp and give more power and abilities to the player.

Narrative Conventions: The narrative conventions within the game are within reason, quite different. League of Legends poses a challenge in the form of needing to win in order to level up and unlock new features. Beyond: Two Souls is more story-driven and dramatic. Similar, but different to my Zombie game, which has action packed adventure survival challenges within the story. However it isn't solely story-driven. In terms of telling a story Beyond: Two Souls tells the deepest and most meaningful plots, making the game play a lot more complex and gripping. In some cases this makes a game much more enjoyable to play, it often leaves the player feeling connected and invested to the character. I aim for a similar feel within my zombie game, but due to it not being a game set in the same way as B:TS it will differ in a variety of ways.

Codes and Conventions: The biggest similarity within all of the games is that each of them are third person. In terms of similarities to other games within the respective genres, some games also possess third person capabilities where as others don't. The semiotics within League of Legends are a lot more apparent than they are within the other two games. League of Legends has a health bar across the bottom, as well as a mana bar which is only for certain characters, dependent on their abilities. It also has different skill windows which allow you to see what level you are and when you can level a skill up. There is also an additional health bar above each character, including the opposing team.

There is a to be a health bar as well as a ammo count for each weapon within the zombie game. Within Beyond: Two Souls, Jodie does have limited health but there is no health bar to demonstrate how much damage she has taken.

Target Demographic:  The target demographics within the three games are similar but also different at the same time. League of Legends is aimed towards a teenage market,  mainly teenage boys. Regardless, older people and females also play the game. The main geographic continent that plays this game is people from Asian countries, such as Japan and Korea. Although, again, it is a world wide played game. Beyond: Two Souls is and American based game aimed to teenagers, in which it meets the market perfectly. My game is to be aimed at people of any age above pre-teen, of any gender and location. The demographic would be determined by different aspects of the game, things such as graphic content, sexual scenes and nudity, violence and many other factors can play apart in which age group the game would be aimed towards. Some other games, similar to League of Legends, are played more by people from the Asian Continent, a large portion of these games are anime.

As a whole the games above are very different in many ways, but they also show similarities to each other. Each of the games possess their own individuality in many different ways, but in certain ways also show close similarities.

Media Text:
Media text is the representation of the world or a scenario through a method of media. Different methods could include; Newspapers, Magazines, Online Blogs, Books, Journals, Games, Films/TV Series, Documentaries, music videos, poetry, stories, art or many more. Media is a vast selection of things that are used within our everyday lives.

A Genre is the style of something, Genres are used in music, writing, games, films, art and many more. An example of games genres could be; Role Playing Game (RPG) or First Person Shooter (FPS). The genre of a game will determine the flow of the story as well as the artistic and visual elements.

The content of a media project would be the main elements of the game. For example, is it dark and gloomy or is it bright and cheery, is it a big space to explore or a small place to explore. Content is dependent on the way the game is set out, within a different style of game the content will differ. A first person shooter will have a larger view point and possibly a scope among the weapons, where as a third person shooter is more likely to have a cross-hair (+) to help with aim whilst you are shooting but your character is still fully visible. 

The construction looks more into the way the game play is set, is it a set story line (linear) or are you more free to do the game at your own pace and choose which mission to do in your own time (Sandbox/Open World). The construction of a game has an impact on various things such as the target demographic, the more complex the construction and plots within the game, the more the age rating of the game would rise.

Codes and Conventions:
Codes can be split into two sub categories, Technical and Symbolic. Technical codes are the ways that equipment is used for story telling, i.e the camera work. Symbolic codes goes deeper than what we can physically see, i.e seeing a characters feelings through their actions. Conventions are the way in which something is done, they tend to be genre specific. The two fit together simultaneously, i.e there is a specific convention to the camera work.

Target Demographics:
A demographic is a particular section or group of people, therefore a target demographic is a specific group of people that, in this case, the game is aimed towards. The demographics can be focused on a specific age group or gender, even a location.

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