Wednesday 17 December 2014

Conecpt Art In My Game

On the left is my final background. It is the same height of my room, but about a quarter of the length. The clouds tile and make an effective surrounding for Max and his cloud family.

Below are some of the other backgrounds I made within the process. Most of these were practice backgrounds, however all of these were made in Adobe Illustrator. Most were 64x64 pixels.

The tools I used in the cloud background, where mainly just paintbrushes. The background was a larger size 10pt, and the base of the clouds where done with a 4pt brush. The detail on the clouds was 0.25pt

Again, these sprites were made on Adobe Illustrator. They were all made with a variety of tools. The arches were made up of 3pt straight lines, and joined together with the curve tool. The door was made of boxes, and I then used the circular tool to add definition to the frame. As well as a gradient to emphasize the definition in the doorway.
All of these were 64x64 pixels.

Above, are the five save file icons for the five emoticons of Max, however the concept changed slightly. Instead of five Max’s there is just one, as well as his family. So below are the save icons for Max, his mum and dad, his little sister and baby brother as well as his teddy. All of these were created in Adobe Illustrator, there are all 50x50 pixels.

All of these were the same base, on the five Max’s I just changed the facial expression. All of the bottom clouds were also the same base, except the teddy. The base was a 5pt brush, the details were between 0.25pt and 2pt.
To the left are the four variations of spikes within the game. They are hard to see in the icons as the colours are so light.
I originally made one, then rotated it to get all of the angles. Each one is 32x32 pixels, and where made with the line and filler tools.
These are the elements within my game, they act as enemies to Max.
They were all created in Adobe Illustrator and are 32x32 pixels. The lightning was made with a 3pt brush tool, the same as the raindrop.
The snowball was made with the circular tool and filled in a light colour, the wind was made with the spiral tool.
Above are the five levels within my game. Each level involves the different enemies, characters, gems and spikes. All of these were made on Adobe Illustrator and imported into game maker. Each one has a transparent background allowing them to fit in the game better.
Overall I used Adobe Illustrator for my sprites, they were mainly created with paint brush tools. The sizes vary and all fit within the game nicely. The game works smoothly and runs very well, each level links and the artwork within it stands out and shows character within the game.




Concept Art

The brief for this platform game was very basic and gave me a lot of room to do what I wanted. The brief Wayne gave us just informed us that the main character must be called; ‘Max’ and he/she must collect diamonds. There should be at least five levels, as well as bad guys for Max to   either shoot/kill or dodge.
So with this in mind, my brief for this game is as follows;
Max is a girl who lives in a small Egyptian village which has been taken over from dark spirits. You must guide Max through the temple collecting diamonds and defeating the Dark Spirits henchmen and making your way to the top of the temple where Max must destroy the Dark Spirit in order to restore peace within her village.
Since this, my idea has changed… The new brief would now be;
Max is a cloud, living in the sky with his parents. A sudden gust of wind has took his whole family, and community, to a different part of the sky. Max is on a mission to find his family, along the way he must collect diamonds, as this is what the clouds use for money. In the first level Max will start out very sad, as he progresses through each level he will get happier and happier until he is reunited with his family.
This is Max, she is the main character for the first version of my Platform Game.
When saving this file I had to changed the name, scanning this into the printer from what I had drew by hand the computer automatically saved it as; PS1_C2030_4_2602_001. However this could be anything, so I saved it as Max_2. This made it a lot easier to find. The file extension is PNG.
This was one of my first ideas for a weapon. It is a form of gun that would shoot balls of paper at the enemies. The balls could be collected from the enemies which are mummies.
When I scanned the image into the printer it was automatically saved as; PS1_C2030_4_2603_001, as this isn't the only drawing on the document, however it is the only relevant one, I renamed it as  Concept_Art_Ideas_1, again this may be more of a raster image.              
Here is a more developed concept of what I wanted the gun to look like. It is very basic but it also has a lot of  detail into it.
My idea for the background was a basic brick wall, in a light tan  colours. The platforms would then be a smaller version of this but in a darker shade.
This is two different ideas of what my diamonds could look like. Again both simple but also for a   simple game so quite effective.
For the door to the next level I decided on an archway with circular gems on it. I also added sand to the bottom to add more shape to the game.

All of the above concepts are all on one sheet of paper and in the same document, which again was scanned in and automatically saved as; PS1_C2030_4_2604_1.
I then changed it to, Concept_Art_Ideas_2.
Like the other images, these would also be more likely to be raster images.
Here is a quick idea of what one of my rooms may look like.
It has various platforms, with the door situated at the top of the room, as well as             diamonds around the platforms for ‘Max’ to collect.
This is a good example of artwork not scanning well into the printer. However you can still see the sort of thing I was aiming for.

For my second and final version of Max I used Adobe Illustrator the generate what I thought he may look like.  The image is in colour as it was hard to do a rough version on the computer with out using the coloring. As I am aiming this game at children, the more simpler affect looks more appropriate.
Although sad in this version, Max gets happier as he gets closer to his family.
Above is a more complex version of the concept art I have done for Max, the cloud version.
As explained previously Max gets happier and happier as the levels progress. This is shown above in how Level 1 is a full sad face, level 2 is a little less sadder. Level 3 looks like a mix of emoticons, where as level 4 and 5 are both happy.
This file was again scanned in and copied to my desktop using one of the college printers, as it did with the other files the computer automatically saved it. The name it saved under was PS1_C2030_4_2619_001, I then changed it to Max_The_Cloud_1.