Monday 17 November 2014

Unit 78 Exercises

Concept Art;
Spider; This is a basic design of a spider. I have used a light black dark grey pencil to add texture to the spiders body.

What is Copyright Law?
- Copyright is the protection of work that has been produced, therefore forbidding others to copy the work and claim it as their own. The current copyright act is; Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988. This law gives the creator of a piece of work the right to control how the piece is used. Things that are covered by copyright law are literary, dramatic, musical, artistic works, sound recordings, broadcasts, films and typographical arrangements. Copyright arises automatically when a company, or an individual, creates a form of work covered by the copyright law. Without the consent of the owner it is illegal to; copy the work, rent or lend out a copy of the work, adapt the work or preform it to a public audience or broadcaster. The owner also has the right to be identified as the owner/author of the work.
What does Libel mean?

- A published false statement that is damaging to a person's reputation;
'He was found guilty of a libel on a Liverpool inspector of taxes'
- Libel has been compared to the term Slander;
The action or crime of making a false spoken statement damaging to a person's reputation;
'He is suing the TV company for slander'
How are female characters represented in games?
- Females are less common as main characters within games, compared to male. One of the most famous Female Leads would be Lara Croft; Tomb Raider. As you can see on the right, she is notoriously breasty, this portrays her in a negative way. Females are less common, however when they are portrayed they are done so in a false way which may even look highly feminized. She looks like a fake woman, however she is incredibly strong and driven, which isn't portrayed in the way in which she looks. The way in which she is dressed makes her look 'sexy' which is how the majority of female characters are portrayed in order to appeal to the main population of gamers, boys in their teenage years, or early to mid twenties. In more recent versions of the game, Lara looks more realistic and less fake. She is however a lot younger as well which may be a massive contributor to the way in which she now looks.

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