Tuesday 25 November 2014

Platform Game


What Does The Customer Want?

·         A platform game that involves physics, the main character must be named Max.

What Does The Design Brief Say?

·         Create a platform game for students to play, the main character is to be called ‘Max’ and he must move from level to level fighting or dodging monsters which either chase or block the way. Max will get the score from collecting diamonds and killing monsters. Collecting certain items will unlock doors for the next level.

Who Is The Target Audience?

·         Children, aged roughly between 8-12 years old.


What Sprites Do We Need?

·         Max; main character.

·         Enemies; different ones for different levels.

·         Walls and scenery.

·         Diamonds; to collect.

·         Doors; to next levels.

What Sounds Do We Need?

·         Sound effects; shooting, collecting diamonds, jumping.

·         Background music

How Many Levels Do We Want?

·         5 levels, progressively harder.

What Other Elements Do We Want?

·         Score

·         Lives

·         Timer


What Do We Want To Do By The End Of This Session?

·         Start to create and develop the rooms and walls.

How Long Do We Have To Create This Game?

·         4 Weeks, 12 sessions… plus time to work on it in free time.

How Can We Break Down The Tasks In Making A Game?

·         Plan out what to do and when.

·         Don’t Rush.

·         Don’t expect too much of yourself.

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